Treduce poverty by improving food security
To promote nutrition and sanitation for good health for all in communities
To protect the environment and natural resources in green and sustainable ways
To promote community participation for the quality of education
To promote community development with the participation of PWDs
Capacity Building for the target groups
Promote agriculture and production techniques
Promote income generation
Capacity building for target groups
Promote good nutrition
Promote good health
Sustainable natural resources use and management
Disaster preparedness and post-disaster recovery
Green growth and solutions to climate change
Improves school facilities
Promote the creation of green, clean, and beautiful schools
Teaching and learning support
Capacity building for the village education development committee
Capacity building for target groups
Promote the creation of sources of food and income
Promote access to education and sports for children with disabilities
Promote woks and accessibility
Lao Civil Social Organization Coordination Office (LCCO)
The ASEAN Civil Society Conference/ASEAN Peoples Forum (ACSC/APF)
The Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Alliance in Lao PDR (SUN CSA Laos)
The Agroecology Learning Alliance in Southeast Asia (ALiSEA)
Lao Civil Society Organization Forestry Law Enforcement Governance and Trade (Lao CSO FLEGT)