To promote nutrition and sanitation for good health for all in communities
This is a success story about promoting nutrition and good hygiene for everyone in the community. We have targeted target groups in remote areas, especially pregnant women and children under 5 years of age to access health care, clean water, nutritious food, sanitation, etc. The following article is part of the success that we have implemented in the past, which shows the change in the target group. Please enjoy reading.
Promoting using Latrine in Tangmi
Tang Mi Village, DakChueng District, Sekong Province is one of the targeted villages that the project supports and promotes the use of nutritious toilets for the good health of everyone in the community. Tangmi Village has a total of 34 families. In the past, Some families have latrines (the dry latrines) which are not clean enough, smell bad and are not good for nutrition. Therefore, the project evaluated and selected a total of 26 families.
The project provided toilet equipment for each family including: 4 sheets of zinc, 5 mortars, 1 long steel No. 8, 1 screw, 1 PVC P100 pipe, 1 PVCP18 pipe, 2 steel nails (total value 1,181,000 kip/household). At the same time, the team introduced the construction method and guided the installation of the valve, digging the hole, making the house, laying the pipe and putting the pipe down the hole. In addition, it is recommended to take care to clean the area around the faucet, the floor, the drain every time it is used and to sweep the grass around the faucet. When they received the equipment and instructions from the team, the target group was determined and focused on building the toilet actively, they had the courage to go to pick up ore and sand in areas far from their homes, even though the journey was difficult and took a long time, but they had a lot of effort and patience to show that they were determined to complete the toilet.
Mr. Oukham, 42 years old, lives in Tangmi village, his family's condition is very poor, and he is one of the families that received support for access to toilets from the project. He said: "After the construction of toilets, we used them and saw the good results of the toilets: they are more comfortable, they are better kept clean, and most importantly, the illnesses of family members are reduced."
Written by: Thavone Keokhamvong, Date: July 2023
The Participatory Community Development for Livelihoods Improvement and Nutrition Promotion in Rural Areas (LAN)
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Sounantha Village, Kaysone City,
P.O.Box:1133, Savannakhet Province, Laos
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